Singing Guide: Girls 70

Singing Guide: Girls 70

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn to sing like the girls of the 70s, you're in luck! The 70s brought about a wave of talented women vocalists who set the standards for today's female fronted bands. From Janis Joplin's soulful tones to Stevie Nicks's distinctive voice, there are plenty of memorable singers to choose from for inspiration. Here, we'll discuss the techniques that make these vocalists stand out and how you can incorporate them into your own singing.

One of the most powerful female voices of the 70s belonged to Janis Joplin. Her bluesy style and growling vocals set her apart from other singers of her time. To sing like Janis, try incorporating vocal distortion, like rasping or growling, into your singing. This will take practice to master, but you can use the Singing Carrots vocal distortion exercises to get started. It's also important to maintain an open throat while singing. Check out our article on opening your mouth and throat for tips.

Another iconic voice of the 70s belonged to Stevie Nicks. Her signature sound was thanks to her unique vibrato and use of twang. You can practice using twang by singing nasally, as if you're saying "nyah nyah" or "nya nya nya". Or, try these Singing Carrots vocal exercises that specifically focus on twang. To practice vibrato, try singing along with recordings of Stevie Nicks and other vocalists who incorporate vibrato into their singing. Additionally, you can use the Beggars Bounce exercise in combination with the Diaphragm Bounce exercise to work on your vibrato technique.

If you're inspired by the soulful sound of Aretha Franklin or Gladys Knight, you'll want to focus on strengthening your chest voice. Chest voice is the lower register of your vocal range that vibrates in your chest when you sing. To develop your chest voice, practice the Singing Comfort Zone exercise and check out our article on voice registers and vocal breaks for more tips.

Finally, if you want to emulate the emotion and storytelling of singers like Carole King and Joni Mitchell, it's important to work on your breath control. Check out our breath support article for tips on breathing for singing. You can also incorporate vocal exercises that focus on sustain, like the Sustain Vocal exercise, to build up your breath control.

Remember, singing like the girls of the 70s takes dedication and practice. But if you incorporate these techniques and use relevant Singing Carrots resources, you'll be well on your way to mastering your favorite tunes!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.